It’s National Walk in the Park Day!

Today was National Walk in the Park Day and what a beautiful day to take a lunch break strolling by the water. The Health & Wellness Manager at my job organized a short walk outside in order to celebrate.


We congregated by the entrance, and set out on our way. I love being outside. I love the warm weather, the breeze, the people walking and talking excitedly. There is so much going on outside. There is so much you can discover. I work on Wall Street, no not in finance, and so it was perfect to take a stroll down to Bowling Green, then to Battery Park, and end back on Wall Street.


On the way we saw hip hop dancers, people waiting in line to go to the Statue of Liberty, memorials for WWII, and a statue commemorating all the immigrants who came to the US through Ellis Island.


It’s refreshing to go outside and feel free, especially since my desk job pretty much leaves me glued to the computer for 9 hours a day. After I came back from the walk I felt a serious tinge in my left shin. It was a really bad pain, so I’m going to have to change up my training, maybe I’m going a little too hard a little to0 quick.


Instead of running 4-5 times a week, I think I will keep it at 3 for right now and go for 2-3 miles each time, just so my body starts getting used to the movement of running. I think I’m also going to start adding HIIT workouts in between and before a run to strengthen my leg muscles and gluts.

What do you do to avoid an injury? How did you spend National Walk in the Park Day?

Miles Left: 4,002

About batelm2014

Trying to find happiness wherever life takes me and having fun along the way.
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5 Responses to It’s National Walk in the Park Day!

  1. Jealous! I would love to spend my day walking through Liberty State Park or walking along the water front. Best injury prevention for me is a dynamic warmup before running, and light body weight activity before the gym!


  2. Argh, i didn’t know about national walk in the park day – your park is way cooler than mine though! 🙂 i always have to remind myself to go slow. Slow down so you don’t injure yourself, slowing down is not the same as not running at all! Keep it up!


    • batelm2014 says:

      I agree! I just got the zombie running app so I’m kind of excited to try interval running on Sunday. Yea there is also national walk day on Wednesday, so I guess you could do that in a park too…


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