Triumph, Aqua, & Healthy Eating

Yesterday was a huge triumph for me. My training has totally changed from the original plan. I’m kind of just running as much as I can as often as I can, I know not a legit plan but it seems to be working. Yesterday was an amazing day for me. I usually run for about a mile and then take a 2 minute break before I continue to the next mile. Yesterday I decided that I would try to run for a total of 30 minutes straight and see what will happen.

I put on Pandora and changed my channel from the usual to Aqua, yes Barbie Girl all the way! Let me just say Aqua, Shakira, and Cascada were the reason I went from running 30 minutes straight to 48 minutes straight. I took a 2 minute walking break and then continued to run the full hour. I did it!!!! 5.23 miles of it and then walked for the last 5 minutes finishing at 5.39 miles.


I feel like running is 70% mental 30% physical. I just had to keep telling myself not to quit the whole entire time. It also helped that my friend was running alongside me the whole time. Finishing that hour felt like finishing a race, this sense of happiness just swept over me.


I ended the night with a healthy salad, omelette with mushrooms, some toasted tofu, and lots of fun conversations. I’m trying to be better about my eating habits, so for lunch I usually pack a delicious salad with a ton of veggies, some kind of protein, and a grain on the side. I also try to include a yogurt, a fruit, and a snack bar.


I’m hoping that making subtle changes to my eating habits will help me get in better shape for summer. Got any tips?

Miles Left: 3,931.11

About batelm2014

Trying to find happiness wherever life takes me and having fun along the way.
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